What is the Return Deadline?

With every rental, the lender (the one giving out the book) chooses the latest date a book can be returned. Before initiating a rental, the renter (the one who is receiving the book) must also agree to return the book by this date.

If you are the renter

While you can return it on the last date, you must try to be flexible with the other party too. You must put in a reasonable effort to have the book returned by the Return Deadline. Be open to returning it earlier and work with the other party to make it work. If you need an extension, please see this article.

If you are the lender

You must understand that the renter has no obligation to return it to you, besides the day listed. While they must put in a reasonable effort, be mindful of the day you put down. If you will not be present during those days, then consider reading this article on how to extend the Return Deadline.

What if the book is not returned by the date?

If the book is not returned by the agreed to date and it has been determined that the renter did not put in a reasonable effort to have the book returned by that date, then the renter will be charged market value of the used book. This will then be sent to the lender. For more on this process, see this article.