How do I start a rental?

Picture 1- Both the renter and the lender should press this button when ready to start an exchange.

Picture 2- Read over carefully and press confirm.

Picture 3- The lender most show this code to the renter and they must scan or type in the code.

Once you have messaged someone to agree to meet up, it is now time to start the rental! This process will work slightly differently if you are the renter or lender. If you are the renter, it is important that you have your payment information inputted prior to starting this process.

If you are the lender

If you are the lender, it is important you take control of this process. Make sure to keep your book in your possession until the other party pays!

To start, within your message room with the renter, you will see a pulsing exchange button (Picture 1).

You must click it and read over the popup (Picture 2). The renter must be physically with you for this to work. Once you click confirm, a QR code and 6 digit code will pop up on your phone (Picture 3). You must show this to the renter and have them scan or type it in.

After that, you will be sent to a loading screen. Do NOT hand over the book until this screen is done loading as that indicates when the renter has paid. Once they have, hand over the book!

Following this, a receipt page will show up and you may exit the app. You will meet up once more by the latest return date to get your book back in a process described here.

If you are the renter

Once you are with the lender, go to the Message Room which you are both in. From there, you will press the pulsing exchange button (Picture 1).

From there you will click confirm and then have an option to scan a QR code which the lender will show you. Take a look at the book and make sure it matches what you want. If you are satisfied, then scan. If you cannot scan then you can switch to entering the 6 digit code below the QR code.

From there you will see an itemized receipt of what you will be paying for. You will use your payment method you have on file. If you do not have a payment method on file, then you will add one in.

From there, once you are sure the book is what you will want, you will pay. The lender will then hand it over and you will be shown a receipt which will also be emailed to you! You may use the book until the latest return date, which you will have to meet up again to return in a process described here.